Winter Basketball

43 Cedar - Thur

Welcome to the 2025 Winter Basketball season with MSCR! 

Thank You For Playing with MSCR!


We have adjusted the times to 55 minute games as many teams request to play early games.  MSCR does our best to try to accommodate schedule requests but are limited to gyms based on high school availability.  High Schools do not finish practices until 7pm so MSCR games cannot start earlier than 7:15pm.

League Info:

MSCR is playing an 8 week schedule this Winter.  It consists of a 7 week round robin schedule (where each team will play every other team in the league once) which will determine the LEAGUE CHAMPION.  The 8th week will be scheduled after the 7th week of games is completed in order to offer a last competitive game where the top 2 teams will play each other, the next two and so on.  The 8th game IS NOT currently scheduled due to our software limitations.  Please plan to play one week longer than what is on the schedule.

Snow Procedures:

As a reminder, MSCR is a department of the school district.  When school is closed due to inclement weather, MSCR programs are also closed.  Please check our website for cancellations due to snow or cold weather.

League Championship – (Tie Breaker Procedures):

Here is how MSCR will determine what team is the League Champion, or what teams will play in a Championship game:

  • If two teams tie for first place, the head-to-head winner of their regular season game will be the League Champion. 
  • If three teams tie for first place and one team has beaten the other two teams head to head then that team will be declared the League Champion.
  • If three teams tie for first place and one team has lost to both of the other two first place teams head to head, then that team will be eliminated from the League Championship game.  The other two remaining teams would then play for the League Championship in a one game playoff.
  •     Results of the final alignment game
  • If three or more teams tie for first place and no team has lost to all of the other teams in first place, then the team(s) with the MOST POINTS ALLOWED AVERAGE throughout the regular season will be eliminated from the League Championship game.  The two remaining teams with the FEWEST POINTS ALLOWED AVERAGE would then play for the League Championship in a one game playoff.

League Administration:

  • MSCR reminds you that the games are meant to provide a fun, recreational activity - good sportsmanship and respect toward fellow players and game officials is a program expectation.  Players or fans unable to uphold these standards risk future participation in the program. MSCR thanks you in advance for your cooperation!

Note to managers only:  If you need to get in touch with another manager, you can see manager contact information for teams in your league by signing into your profile and clicking your team name under Team Information on the left sidebar. Only managers in your current league can see the manager contact information.

1Village Idiots700--71.000Won 7Kruk
2Play it Again Sports610170.857Won 5Ash
3Alley Whoops430370.571Lost 3Girouard
4Once Upon a Dime430370.571Won 1Moening
5Squirrelwind430370.571Won 2Southard
6Steve Jobs250570.286Lost 1Hahn
7GUST160670.143Lost 2Liu
8Bad to the Ball070770.000Lost 7Moening
GB = Games Back, GP = Games Played, PCT = Winning Percentage.

Week 1

Thu 1/9 8:10 PM
Steve Jobs
Play it Again Sports
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/9 8:10 PM
Village Idiots
Memorial FH 3
Thu 1/9 9:05 PM
Alley Whoops
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/9 9:05 PM
Bad to the Ball
Once Upon a Dime
Memorial FH 3

Week 2

Thu 1/16 7:15 PM
Alley Whoops
Steve Jobs
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/16 7:15 PM
Village Idiots
Play it Again Sports
Memorial FH 3
Thu 1/16 8:10 PM
Bad to the Ball
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/16 8:10 PM
Once Upon a Dime
Memorial FH 3

Week 3

Thu 1/23 8:10 PM
Bad to the Ball
Alley Whoops
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/23 8:10 PM
Play it Again Sports
Once Upon a Dime
Memorial FH 3
Thu 1/23 9:05 PM
Steve Jobs
Village Idiots
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/23 9:05 PM
Memorial FH 3

Week 4

Thu 1/30 7:15 PM
Bad to the Ball
Steve Jobs
East FH 1
Thu 1/30 7:15 PM
Alley Whoops
Memorial FH 3
Thu 1/30 8:10 PM
Once Upon a Dime
Village Idiots
East FH 1
Thu 1/30 8:10 PM
Play it Again Sports
Memorial FH 3

Week 5

Thu 2/6 8:10 PM
Bad to the Ball
La F Aux 1
Thu 2/6 8:10 PM
Village Idiots
Memorial FH 3
Thu 2/6 9:05 PM
Play it Again Sports
Alley Whoops
La F Aux 1
Thu 2/6 9:05 PM
Steve Jobs
Once Upon a Dime
Memorial FH 3

Week 6

Thu 2/13 7:15 PM
Once Upon a Dime
East FH 1
Thu 2/13 7:15 PM
Bad to the Ball
Play it Again Sports
Memorial FH 3
Thu 2/13 8:10 PM
Alley Whoops
Village Idiots
East FH 1
Thu 2/13 8:10 PM
Steve Jobs
Memorial FH 3

Week 7

Thu 2/20 8:10 PM
Steve Jobs
La F Aux 1
Thu 2/20 8:10 PM
Once Upon a Dime
Alley Whoops
Memorial FH 3
Thu 2/20 9:05 PM
Play it Again Sports
La F Aux 1
Thu 2/20 9:05 PM
Village Idiots
Bad to the Ball
Memorial FH 3

Week 8

Thu 2/27 8:10 PM
Once Upon a Dime
Steve Jobs
La F Aux 2
Thu 2/27 8:10 PM
Village Idiots
Play it Again Sports
Memorial FH 3
Thu 2/27 9:05 PM
Bad to the Ball
La F Aux 2
Thu 2/27 9:05 PM
Alley Whoops
Memorial FH 3

Welcome to the 2025 Winter Basketball season with MSCR! 

Thank You For Playing with MSCR!


We have adjusted the times to 55 minute games as many teams request to play early games.  MSCR does our best to try to accommodate schedule requests but are limited to gyms based on high school availability.  High Schools do not finish practices until 7pm so MSCR games cannot start earlier than 7:15pm.

League Info:

MSCR is playing an 8 week schedule this Winter.  It consists of a 7 week round robin schedule (where each team will play every other team in the league once) which will determine the LEAGUE CHAMPION.  The 8th week will be scheduled after the 7th week of games is completed in order to offer a last competitive game where the top 2 teams will play each other, the next two and so on.  The 8th game IS NOT currently scheduled due to our software limitations.  Please plan to play one week longer than what is on the schedule.

Snow Procedures:

As a reminder, MSCR is a department of the school district.  When school is closed due to inclement weather, MSCR programs are also closed.  Please check our website for cancellations due to snow or cold weather.

League Championship – (Tie Breaker Procedures):

Here is how MSCR will determine what team is the League Champion, or what teams will play in a Championship game:

  • If two teams tie for first place, the head-to-head winner of their regular season game will be the League Champion. 
  • If three teams tie for first place and one team has beaten the other two teams head to head then that team will be declared the League Champion.
  • If three teams tie for first place and one team has lost to both of the other two first place teams head to head, then that team will be eliminated from the League Championship game.  The other two remaining teams would then play for the League Championship in a one game playoff.
  •     Results of the final alignment game
  • If three or more teams tie for first place and no team has lost to all of the other teams in first place, then the team(s) with the MOST POINTS ALLOWED AVERAGE throughout the regular season will be eliminated from the League Championship game.  The two remaining teams with the FEWEST POINTS ALLOWED AVERAGE would then play for the League Championship in a one game playoff.

League Administration:

  • MSCR reminds you that the games are meant to provide a fun, recreational activity - good sportsmanship and respect toward fellow players and game officials is a program expectation.  Players or fans unable to uphold these standards risk future participation in the program. MSCR thanks you in advance for your cooperation!

Note to managers only:  If you need to get in touch with another manager, you can see manager contact information for teams in your league by signing into your profile and clicking your team name under Team Information on the left sidebar. Only managers in your current league can see the manager contact information.

1Village Idiots700--71.000Won 7Kruk
2Play it Again Sports610170.857Won 5Ash
3Alley Whoops430370.571Lost 3Girouard
4Once Upon a Dime430370.571Won 1Moening
5Squirrelwind430370.571Won 2Southard
6Steve Jobs250570.286Lost 1Hahn
7GUST160670.143Lost 2Liu
8Bad to the Ball070770.000Lost 7Moening
GB = Games Back, GP = Games Played, PCT = Winning Percentage.

Week 1

Thu 1/9 8:10 PM Steve Jobs   33
Play it Again Sports   36
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/9 8:10 PM GUST   24
Village Idiots   81
Memorial FH 3
Thu 1/9 9:05 PM Squirrelwind   41
Alley Whoops   42
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/9 9:05 PM Bad to the Ball   50
Once Upon a Dime   68
Memorial FH 3

Week 2

Thu 1/16 7:15 PM Alley Whoops   49
Steve Jobs   43
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/16 7:15 PM Village Idiots   56
Play it Again Sports   25
Memorial FH 3
Thu 1/16 8:10 PM Squirrelwind   52
Bad to the Ball   31
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/16 8:10 PM Once Upon a Dime   42
GUST   11
Memorial FH 3

Week 3

Thu 1/23 8:10 PM Bad to the Ball   11
Alley Whoops   56
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/23 8:10 PM Play it Again Sports   51
Once Upon a Dime   45
Memorial FH 3
Thu 1/23 9:05 PM Steve Jobs   32
Village Idiots   41
La F Aux 1
Thu 1/23 9:05 PM GUST   29
Squirrelwind   40
Memorial FH 3

Week 4

Thu 1/30 7:15 PM Bad to the Ball   16
Steve Jobs   69
East FH 1
Thu 1/30 7:15 PM Alley Whoops   40
GUST   21
Memorial FH 3
Thu 1/30 8:10 PM Once Upon a Dime   44
Village Idiots   56
East FH 1
Thu 1/30 8:10 PM Squirrelwind   35
Play it Again Sports   54
Memorial FH 3

Week 5

Thu 2/6 8:10 PM GUST   49
Bad to the Ball   29
La F Aux 1
Thu 2/6 8:10 PM Village Idiots   74
Squirrelwind   22
Memorial FH 3
Thu 2/6 9:05 PM Play it Again Sports   36
Alley Whoops   29
La F Aux 1
Thu 2/6 9:05 PM Steve Jobs   28
Once Upon a Dime   40
Memorial FH 3

Week 6

Thu 2/13 7:15 PM Squirrelwind   39
Once Upon a Dime   38
East FH 1
Thu 2/13 7:15 PM Bad to the Ball   41
Play it Again Sports   54
Memorial FH 3
Thu 2/13 8:10 PM Alley Whoops   38
Village Idiots   63
East FH 1
Thu 2/13 8:10 PM GUST   36
Steve Jobs   43
Memorial FH 3

Week 7

Thu 2/20 8:10 PM Steve Jobs   32
Squirrelwind   39
La F Aux 1
Thu 2/20 8:10 PM Once Upon a Dime   43
Alley Whoops   37
Memorial FH 3
Thu 2/20 9:05 PM Play it Again Sports   53
GUST   33
La F Aux 1
Thu 2/20 9:05 PM Village Idiots   92
Bad to the Ball   32
Memorial FH 3

Week 8

Thu 2/27 8:10 PM Once Upon a Dime  
Steve Jobs  
La F Aux 2
Thu 2/27 8:10 PM Village Idiots  
Play it Again Sports  
Memorial FH 3
Thu 2/27 9:05 PM GUST  
Bad to the Ball  
La F Aux 2
Thu 2/27 9:05 PM Alley Whoops  
Memorial FH 3
QR code Schedule Revision Date: Fri, Feb 21, 2025 1:02 PM